Which Function(s) do I use?



Does anyone know which function(s) I can use to pull certain names from a
list that meet either of two criteria? Below is list of all products
available: I only want to pull products and corresponding data that either
do not have "sub-product" (i.e. Product A,C,D) or is labled "sub-product;1"
(i.e. Product B;1, Product E;1 Product F;1).

Product Name Total Sales
Product A 5
Product B;1 10
Product B;2 15
Product B;3 2
Product C 50
Product D 20
Product E;1 25
Product E;2 10
Product E;3 31
Product F;1 34
Product F;2 20
Product G 50
Product H 34

George Nicholson

1) your Product table is a 2 column named range called Products
2) Column A contains the value you want to look up in the table.

If B2 = Product A, the formula returns 5
If B2 = Product Z (not in the list) the formula returns 0

If you would prefer that the formula return #N/A if the product isn't in the
list you can use this simpler variation instead:



Thanks George. If I only have one column containing the product names, how do
I pull in the name of the product that does not have "sub-product" or is
"sub-product;1" (i.e. Product B;1, Product E;1 Product F;1).

In other words, I only want to pull in the following product names from my
master list below:
Product A
Product B;1
Product C
Product D
Product E;1
Product F;1
Product G
Product H

I'm not sure which functions I should use.

George Nicholson

I'm no longer sure what you are trying to do but maybe
Where B2 is the Product name and the 1st column of Products is also the
product name.

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