Which function should I use to ....




I have got three columns A, B, C.

In column *A* I have 7 fax numbers. In column *B* I have 7 URLs where
faxes have been extracted from. In column *C* I have 14 URLs in which,
among others, are included the exact URLs in column *B*.

I want associate faxes in column *A* with URLs (matched with those in
column *B*) present in column *C*.


1 1-785-227-2004
2 *208-376-7743*
3 (617) 912-9101
4 267-502-2658
5 (317) 940-9930
6 *716-888-2525*
7 *(219) 473-4259*

1 www.bethanylb.edu/
2 *www.boisebible.edu/*
3 www.conservatory.edu/
4 www.brynathyn.edu/
5 www.butler.edu/
6 *www.canisius.edu/*
7 *www.ccsj.edu/*

* COL C*---------------------------------------* COL D*
1 www.ab.edu/
2 www.abc.edu/
3 www.abconline.edu/
4 www.ac.edu/
5 www.aca.edu/
6 www.academy.edu/
7 *www.boisebible.edu/*-----------> *208-376-7743*
8 www.boisestate.edu/
9 www.brevard.edu/
10 *www.canisius.edu/*-------------> *716-888-2525*
11 www.carleton.edu/
12 www.carroll.edu/
13 *www.ccsj.edu/*------------------> *(219) 473-4259*
14 www.clemson.edu/

Which *function * should I use in order to get faxes in Col *A * and
put them next to the appropriate URLs (matched with URLs in column *B*)
in column *C* :confused: ?

Thanks a lot :) !!


Bryan Hessey


If your data in columns A and B were reversed, then you could use

Insert a new Column C and copy Column A to the blank Column C, then
delete Column A.

In cell D1 put


where the range A$1:B$999 needs to specify the range of your data.

Hope this helps

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