Which is better OneNote PowerToys: WebPageToOneNote or OneNote 20.


D Devlin

They serve two different purposes. IE2OneNote copies and pastes
text, which remains searchable in OneNote. WebPageToOneNote
captures a non-searchable image of the entire web page.

James Gockel

It's not really copy and pasting text, though it appears the same.
The microsoft one imports text, and the analog reality imports a WYSIWYG
Graphic (is how analog reality explains it).
Depending on how you want to use it, you want to annotate notes to a page
and record it for later use analog reality's power toy... you want to be
able to search it, not having an exact print out of the page then go for the
microsoft's powertoy...
I also recommend looking into Analog Reality's Print to Onenote. This is a
great tool, you can print from any program (that can print) and import it
straight into onenote... Then annotate, sign, or just write onto it as if it
was paper, then print it from onenote! Great for invoices that needs
signatures! or quick written revisions!

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