Which Query



Situation: I have a table with many fields including a "status field" and a
"dues amt" field. Status is either "member, "Non member" or "LOA Member". I
am looking for a method to do a mass replace of the current data in the dues
column based upon a question I receive when I run the query. I do not want to
write a new query every time the dues change. I thought this was a parameter
query application but I can't seem to get the row column and value set up

What query is appropriate and what is the set up?


Jeff Boyce

I'm not real clear on what you are trying to do...

If you did a "mass replace of the current data", what would you be changing
it to? ... and why? What does "a question I receive" have to do with your
decision/mass replace?

If you do a "mass replace", will you ever regret not having saved the
previous data? You've described a "how" you want to do something, but what
that something is, and the underlying business need, is not clear.

More info, please...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Hi Jeff

I am creating a database that will be maintained by someone else. They will
maintain the database using various menus and forms. They will not be
functional on Access programming. They will not have direct access to the
tables, queryies, macros etc in the design mode. I could do a simple update
query every time the dues fee changes; however I want to take myself out of
the maintenance process as much as possible.

Okay more explanation. The database tracks various data on both union
members and non-members of a bargaining unit. Members are paying union dues
each month. That data is tracked in the column "dues amt" for the non-members
this field contains a zero (0) while members have a fee, say $10.00. The
"status" field tracks the employees as a "member, non-member, Resigned or
LOA member" Periodically the monthly dues change. What I hope to be able to
do is program an action button on a menu (run query?) that would respond with
a screen question (what are the new dues amt?). The database manager would
input the new dues amt which would then update (based upon critera)all
"member and LOA member" records with the new dues, say $15.00. "Non-member
and resigned" should not have any records updated.

No regrets about unsaved data. All member records have the same amount. If
operator input the wrong number they would just rerun the update process.

Thanks for your help

Jeff Boyce

Thanks for the clarifications.

If this were mine, I'd create an update query that used your dues field in
the first line, your prompt [New dues amount?] in the 'update to' line and a
set of selection criteria that got you the dues-paying folks only.

After creating the query, I'd add a command button (probably using the
wizard) and tell it to run the query.

BEFORE clicking the button, I'd make sure I have a backup copy of the
database (not a bad idea before doing a bulk-update.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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