In Worksheet 1, we have the following:
Column A Column B Column C
Description 1 Value 1a Value 1b
Description 2 Value 2a Value 2b
Description 20 Value 20a Value 20b
In Worksheet 2, I would like to create a list of items from Worksheet 1
that meet a certain criteria. Trick is, I don't want to have 20 open
rows in Worksheet 2 and copy/paste a formula. I only want to list the
items that exceed the threshhold.
For example, I want to create a list of items for which the value in
Column C exceeds 5. If R1C3>5, then list R1C1, R1C2, R1C3. If not,
find the next row in which the value in Column C exceeds 5, then pick
up all three columns of info for that particular item. Each time it
finds a True response, it adds a line in Worksheet 2 to list the next
item that meets the criteria.
Finally, I want to add one last line item that sums up all of the
values in Column C that did NOT meet the criteria. (Basically, list
out all items that exceed 5, plus one "Other" amount to sum up all the
items not listed separately. I suppose this could be accomplished by
adding each of the individual remaining items or by taking a total of
the values in Column C of Worksheet 1 and subtracting the items listed
out separately.)
I appreciate your help!
In Worksheet 1, we have the following:
Column A Column B Column C
Description 1 Value 1a Value 1b
Description 2 Value 2a Value 2b
Description 20 Value 20a Value 20b
In Worksheet 2, I would like to create a list of items from Worksheet 1
that meet a certain criteria. Trick is, I don't want to have 20 open
rows in Worksheet 2 and copy/paste a formula. I only want to list the
items that exceed the threshhold.
For example, I want to create a list of items for which the value in
Column C exceeds 5. If R1C3>5, then list R1C1, R1C2, R1C3. If not,
find the next row in which the value in Column C exceeds 5, then pick
up all three columns of info for that particular item. Each time it
finds a True response, it adds a line in Worksheet 2 to list the next
item that meets the criteria.
Finally, I want to add one last line item that sums up all of the
values in Column C that did NOT meet the criteria. (Basically, list
out all items that exceed 5, plus one "Other" amount to sum up all the
items not listed separately. I suppose this could be accomplished by
adding each of the individual remaining items or by taking a total of
the values in Column C of Worksheet 1 and subtracting the items listed
out separately.)
I appreciate your help!