Which type of chart would you suggest to use?



Hi all,
I have a group of users with cost utilization data for each year from 2001
to 2003 and also network data side by side. I'd like to use Excel chart to
display the trends.
The following is my sample data, Can anyone give me some idea what type of
chart I should use? or if you have any sample chart that I can look at?
Thanks for all your help in advance!!! Jenny
UserID 2001 2001Net 2002 2002Net 2003 2003Net
A 14.09 13 15.64 14.5 16.85 15.4
B 6.56 13 9.78 14.5 9.92 15.4
C 5 13 7 14.5 8 15.4
D 3.25 13 3.04 14.5 3.15 15.4
E 8.9 13 4.8 14.5 7.8 15.4
F 6.26 13 6.07 14.5 6.38 15.4
G 11.28 13 13.09 14.5 14.32 15.4

Jon Peltier

I would make a combination chart with the utilization data as columns and
the net data as lines. To do this, first delete UserID from the top left
cell (to help Excel parse the data range). Select the data and make a
clustered column chart. Then one by one select a Net series, and on the
Chart menu, use Chart Type to change the series to a line type. (You can
probably use the F4 shortcut key to repeat the latest action, to change the
second and third series to lines.)

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
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