When you complete the form and send it, the recipient can print the e-mail
message. On the printed message it has the following headers printed down
the left side of the page with info to right for each header: From, Sent,
Subject; then a space, then Follow Up Flag, Due By, Flag Status, [Space],
Contacts, An, Betreff, Date and Time, Gesendet, Message Type,
MessageReadPage, Vertraulichkeit, Von, Wichtigkeit.
Under that prints the notes written in the note section. The German
of (An, Betreff, Gesendet, Vertraulichkeit, Von, and Wichtigkeit) have
following An=Sender, Betreff=Subject line, Gesendet=Sent Date and Time,
Vertraulichkeit=0??, Wichtigkeit=1???
It won't print the phone number although it is on the form and filled out.
Hope this helps.
Sue Mosher said:
A good start would be to explain the problem in detail, starting with
information on what form from what source and what's printing in German.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
One of the forms is partially printing in German, how can I change it?