"White Space Between Pages" option won't hold



Hi all,

I've been searching through this newsgroup and several others trying to
find a solution to the following problem. I found a temporary
solution, but nothing permanent.

The problem occurs in the Page Layout view. The white space where the
headers and footers would go aren't there. I can check the option
"White Space Between Pages" and the white space comes back, or I can
move the cursor to the top of the page and bring it back and everything
is fine... until I close and re-open the document.

When the document is re-opened the white space between pages is gone
again. I can bring it back, but no matter what I can't make it stick.
Normally this would just be a minor inconvenience, but if I send these
documents to other people, the same problem occurs on their PCs where
the document I send out doesn't have the white space.

Also, this occurs with every New Document that I open. If I open a
document written before this problem occurs, it opens fine with the
white space intact. However, all New Word Documents exhibit this same

I'm assuming this means there's something in the template that's not
set properly. Is there a way I can reset it to show the white space by
default? Am I heading in the wrong direction and this isn't a template
issue at all? Any help would be sincerely appreciated. I also tried
the "winword /a" command just to run it, but that had no effect.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

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