I have some white space I need to identify so I'll know
how to remove it in preparation of an HTML document. I
can tell you what the white space is not. It isn't a tab,
carriage return or space. When I click the "show all"
tool bar icon it shows up as a hollow circle.
A sample of this code is as follows (assuming that code
will carry over, the mystery code follows the "V."):
<p><a href="#_Toc69725200">V. STATISTICAL
Thanks in advance.
I have some white space I need to identify so I'll know
how to remove it in preparation of an HTML document. I
can tell you what the white space is not. It isn't a tab,
carriage return or space. When I click the "show all"
tool bar icon it shows up as a hollow circle.
A sample of this code is as follows (assuming that code
will carry over, the mystery code follows the "V."):
<p><a href="#_Toc69725200">V. STATISTICAL
Thanks in advance.