A serch for that error on google revealed that there
might be a problem with the way Word is registered on
your computer. Found this suggestion at the same
site ...maybe it helps
Create a file named Register.bat, and then place the file
in the WindowsDirectory\System32\ folder on your computer.
Add the following line to the BAT file:
for %%v in ( *.dll ) do regsvr32 /s %%v
Run the BAT file.
That should resolve the "Interface not Registered error
when Word is the email editor" in Outlook.
might be a problem with the way Word is registered on
your computer. Found this suggestion at the same
site ...maybe it helps
Create a file named Register.bat, and then place the file
in the WindowsDirectory\System32\ folder on your computer.
Add the following line to the BAT file:
for %%v in ( *.dll ) do regsvr32 /s %%v
Run the BAT file.
That should resolve the "Interface not Registered error
when Word is the email editor" in Outlook.