Who's a rigger?


Gregory K. Maxey

I am no more and English Professor than this group is a place to ask the
meaning of a word. However, I did spend many years on and about cranes (an
English word) and generally the men and woman who determine the proper
methods and physically connect the crane hook to the load to be lifted are
called "riggers."


Is "rigger" an English word? If yes, what dose it (rigger) means?

According to the OED, "a rigger" can be either

One who rigs ships.
One who attends to the rigging of aircraft.
One who works on an oil rig, or one who is employed in the construction of
oil rigs.

A person who erects and maintains scaffolding, lifting tackle, or similar

A thimble-rigger; one who rigs the market, etc.

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