I recently found a tip to copy dates from a workbook to another which have
different settings : one 1900 based and the other 1904 based
If Ref represents the cell with a date in the first workbook, and the second
workbook is the active one, with :
ActiveCell.Value = Ref
you get the classic 1462 days difference
But with
ActiveCell.Value = Ref - 0
everything works fine (no more 1462 days difference).
I first noticed that if you report the date in the workbook containing the macro,
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.ActiveCell = Ref
everything always works fine : you never get any difference even if the two
workbooks, even if they have 2 different date systems (1900 and 1904). This
means that VBA is able to recognize the date.
I suppose than with
ActiveCell.Value = Ref - 0
ActiveCell.Value = Ref + 0
the date in translated in an internal value, in the workbook containing the code.
You can easily verify the tip is working :
1 - Create a new workbook
2 - Check the option "Calendar from 1904" ? ("Calendrier depuis 1904"
in french).
3 - Enter a date in a cell
4 - Select this cell
5 - Run this code :
Sub ReportDate()
Dim Ref As Range, Dest1 As Workbook, Dest2 As Workbook
Set Ref = ActiveCell
' Add a 1904 based workbook
Set Dest1 = ActiveWorkbook
Dest1.Date1904 = True
' Add a 1900 based workbook
Set Dest2 = ActiveWorkbook
Dest2.Date1904 = False
' Report of the date on the 2 workbooks
Report Dest1, Ref
Report Dest2, Ref
End Sub
Sub Report(w As Workbook, Ref As Range)
With w.ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
Range(.Offset(0), .Offset(1)).NumberFormat = "dddd d mmmm yy"
.ColumnWidth = 20
.Value = Ref - 0
.Offset(1) = Ref
End With
End Sub
This code use a range object, "Ref" to refer to the ActiveCell of the ActiveWorkbook
Then 2 workbooks are created, one 1904 based, the other one1900 based.
After that, the date from "Ref" is reported twice in the 2 workbooks :
in A1 with .Value = Ref - 0
in A2 with .Offset(1) = Ref
In the 1900 based workbook, the value in the 2 cells is the same one, corresponding
to the date entered in the "Ref" Range.
In the 1904 based workbook, the value in the 2 cells differs : the right one in A1
and the date plus 1462 days in A2 :
Using Ref, we get a difference
Using Ref - 0, no more difference ;-))
Eng Khoon a wrote :