Check your 'schedule an automatic send/recieve every x minutes'
setting. If this is set too low, then the outlook client is still
downloading mail when it send/recieves again duplicating mail over and
over again. this is especially a problem over slow connections or if
you have lots or emails, large attachments, etc. Increase your
send/receive time and see if the problem goes away.
Suspected either AVG and/or Spamfighter, where users leave a copy of
the message on the server. I think when the free version(s) of AVG and
Spamfighter leave their tag at the bottom of the message, it changes
the email enough that the server thinks it's a new message and posts it
over and over. My suspicions are due to the fact that the duplicate
messages have additional tag lines at the bottom of the message.
It turns out that there are two basic ways you can solve your problem,
depending on what strategy you want to use. The first, and perhaps
easier, is to create multiple folders then have your messages routed to
those folders based on the receiving address. Here are the steps
involved, and, yes, you do have to create a rule, but it only takes a
In Outlook (this is for Outlook XP, but 2003 is basically the same):
1. Choose Rules Wizard from the Tools menu.
2. Click on New. In the dialog that comes up, choose the "Start from a
blank rule" option. "Check messages when they arrive" should be
3. Click Next. In this step, choose the option "with specific words in
the recipient's address". Click on the underlined "specific words",
type (e.g.) (e-mail address removed), click Add and then OK.
4. Click Next. In this step ("What do you want to do with this
message"), select "move to specified folder". Click the underlined word
"specified" and specify the folder.
5. Click Next. In this step, add any exceptions if desired.
6. Click Next. Name the rule and click Finish.
7. In the preceding dialog (still showing, click OK).