Why are archived tasks not removed from pda with sync anymore?



I have a pda with Windows Mobile 5. It cannot handle processing all of my
tasks including completed ones, so I have started archiving my completed
tasks on the Outlook desktop by dragging them to the Tasks in Archive Folder
icon. Then when I sync, my pda will no longer contain those archived tasks.
This stopped working about 2 weeks ago. Now tasks that are in the archive
folder on the desktop still appear on my pda.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Not an Outlook problem but a setting you need to change in ActiveSync or on
the PDA. Ask in an activesync news group -
microsoft.public.pocketpc.activesync is where the experts hang out.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, smitlc00 asked:

| I have a pda with Windows Mobile 5. It cannot handle processing all
| of my tasks including completed ones, so I have started archiving my
| completed tasks on the Outlook desktop by dragging them to the Tasks
| in Archive Folder icon. Then when I sync, my pda will no longer
| contain those archived tasks. This stopped working about 2 weeks ago.
| Now tasks that are in the archive folder on the desktop still appear
| on my pda.

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