Why are audio files are not published along with the HTML?



I posted the following question back in Oct, but got no reply. How about some
help Microsoft. Here's what I posted:

In the FAQ file:
Q. Does OneNote Copy Audio Files to the Web When Publishing Notes As HTML?
A. Yes, OneNote will publish the audio files associated with your pages or
page groups.

I tried this but the audio files are not published along with the HTML.

FAQ Pasted from

Erik Sojka

That FAQ seems to be a bit old (~mid-2003) and does not seem to include any
information relating to SP1.

I just created a dummy page with integrated recorded audio and sure enough,
when I "Save As" or "Publish" as an MHTML file, the audio is not embedded.

At this point, you are correct in what you've observed, and it's either a
bug or an issue with the documentation. Maybe that feature was
removed/deprecated with SP1 and that FAQ page needs to be updated.

Maybe one of the MS product folks lurking here can confirm this and provide
an answer...


I also created a dummy .one test file with 1 image and 1 audio file, saved it
as a mhtml file and looked at the code. There was a reference to the image
file as follows, but no reference to the audio file (audio.htm refers to the
OneNote Section called "audio"):

<xml xmlns:eek:=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice">
<o:MainFile HRef=3D"../audio.htm"/>
<o:File HRef=3D"image001.gif"/>
<o:File HRef=3D"filelist.xml"/>

My guess is that an audio file cannot be embedded into an mhtml file.

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