Why are even header/footer showing on odd pages and vice-versa?



Using Word 2003 and a master document made up of about 10 chapters
(subdocuments). All chapters have to start on an odd page and were set that
way. However, for two chapters, the pagination starts as an odd page, but the
corresponding header/footers are inverted, that is the first page of the
chapter shows the even header and footer instead of the odd ones, and the
following page is formatted as an odd page, even though the pagination is
even. What is happening there? how can I fix that? I tried about everything I


As you indicated, the odd page had been set up both in the individual
documents and the master document. However, what seems to have fixed it was
to reset the pagination of each section directly in the master document,
which had not been done for all sections. I'll see what happen next time I
reopen the master document.
Thanks for your input.

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