why can't I add / open spreadhseets in "favorites"?


Ed Long

Upgraded to Excel 2003 - when I go to open a file, I no longer can access
"favorites" to open. Also, on the pulldown, I can no longer add items to my
"favorites". I can add to "My places" but it is small and inconvenient.

Also, I don't seem to be able to maximise to "Open" dialogie box, which
would help me see more "My Places"

Gord Dibben

You can add Favorites to the My Places bar in the File>Open dialog.

File>Open>Tools>Add to My Places.

Browse to Favorites folder and OK.

The File>Open dialog window can only be re-sized by dragging.

Cannot be Maximized but after dragging to the size you wish, it will stick.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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