I pasted an Excel graph on a MW page. Under that I have a table that I
produced with Word. Now, I want to keep typing my results under the table.
However, when I try to clcik under the table and keep typing, I cursor
shoots up to the top of the page on the left margin by the Excel graph. I
try to arrow down to the bottom of the page; however, I can't get past the
last cell of my chart. any suggestions?
I pasted an Excel graph on a MW page. Under that I have a table that I
produced with Word. Now, I want to keep typing my results under the table.
However, when I try to clcik under the table and keep typing, I cursor
shoots up to the top of the page on the left margin by the Excel graph. I
try to arrow down to the bottom of the page; however, I can't get past the
last cell of my chart. any suggestions?