Why can't I reassign the same task (Office 2007) to others?



Before our upgrade to Office 2007, we were able to "reassign" tasks (Outlook)
to several recipients, therefore, keeping the same task running through to
its completion, and receiving updates globally. For instance, we could track
a document that required signatures from different desks in one single task,
and see where the document was at any given time through the updates that
were automatically generated each time another recipient worked the task.

Now, we have to "complete" each task, create a new task to the new person
for the same document, and that person has to complete and create a new task,
and so on. This is frustrating and time-consuming for one darn document! We
no longer are able to receive the updates like before and this causes
blindness to what is happening out there in task-land. We're constantly
questioning each other between offices and tasks are dropping off the map or
getting duplicated. Somebody please offer any information on how to
"reassign" tasks in Office 2007!

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