Why can't I see my pictures in Picture Manager?



When I am surfing the web I often come across pictures I would like to save
on my computer,this, however is proving difficult for me for some reason.
When I send them to MY PICTURES and I then click on them all there is in
Picture Manager is a small red cross inside a square where the picture should
be. Does anyone out there know where I am going wrong?

Stephen Knapp

Yup, been there. The problem has to do with the format of the picture
being moved from the Internet to your machine. When you right-click the
picture on the web page and select Save, a Save dialog will open. Pay
attention to the file type (in a box somewhere near the bottom of that
dialog). It probably is going to save the picture as an ART file. If you
click the selector button next to the file type box, you should be able to
change it to BMP. The problem is, you don't have any software on your
machine that can read ART files. I also get similar problems with JPG files.
Some my machine can read, some it cannot. That is caused, I believe,
because there are different subformats to JPG files (bit density or other,
internal format issues), and I don't have a graphics package suitable to all
JPG formats.

(When you are finished with this correspondence thread, click the YES or NO
button on your original posting to close the discussion. Or, go to your
profile and close the thread from there – Steve.)


Thanks very much for your help, but I still find that does not work all of
the time. I have , however found a way round the problem. I firstly click on
the pic I want , then copy and paste it into an email, then from there I
click on the pic onto "save picture as" then I send it to "my pictures" but
first I change it to bitmap as you told me to. I know this seems a long way
round but I find it works for me.

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