Why can't you have times to hundredths of seconds in Access!!!!



I am trying to write a database for my swimming club for Personal best times
and though you can change the time format to show and calculate times to a
hundredth of a scaond in Excel - you can't in Access (or am I just being
thick?). I can't believe that such a major programme has this problem!!


John Vinson's reply to your previous post:

"You won't be able to use a date/time field for this purpose: it's
designed to store specific moments of time, not durations, and as you
have found it's limited to one-second accuracy. (It's actually good
for some tens of microseconds but you can't display that information!)

Instead, use a <gasp> Currency datatype. It's actually not money; it's
a huge integer with exactly four decimal places. For a time of 2
minutes, 38.23 seconds you'ld store 158.2300. You can *display* it as
minutes and seconds with an expression like

[Racetime] \ 60 & Format([Racetime] - 60*([Racetime] \ 60), ":00.00")

The \ isn't a typo - it's the Access Integer divide operator, so
157.23 \ 60 is 2.

John W. Vinson[MVP] "


You already asked this same question two days ago and it was answered. You
should read the replies before you post the same question again.

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