Can somebody please give me a good reason why Close function of certain
things like forms or word application obejcts should be used rather than just
killing them of as a process?
The thing is Im working with word objects and it is just such a pain because
when ever PC slows down you start getting errors like: Call was rejected by
callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED))
But if you close (for example) word app with process killer it works just
fine (no questions, no problems etc...
Can somebody please give me a good reason why Close function of certain
things like forms or word application obejcts should be used rather than just
killing them of as a process?
The thing is Im working with word objects and it is just such a pain because
when ever PC slows down you start getting errors like: Call was rejected by
callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED))
But if you close (for example) word app with process killer it works just
fine (no questions, no problems etc...