Why "Data Access Page" cannot work in the internet website WHILE it works in the local machine



Dear all,

Here below is my "Data Access Page":


I put it in my internet website and put this web address as the "trustable"
website in my IE.

However, this "Data Access Page" cannot work properly in the website, WHILE
it can be work in my own computer.

Please help me, why ?

Thank you in advance.


Tom van Stiphout

On Mon, 3 May 2010 00:43:15 +0800, "Martin" <[email protected]>

There are a number of steps involved to pull this off. This article
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/264080 starts with "Requires expert
coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills". You should also be
advised that DAP has been discontinued with more recent versions of
Access (hint, hint).

Microsoft Access MVP

Larry Linson

Tom van Stiphout said:
There are a number of steps involved to pull this off. This article
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/264080 starts with "Requires expert
coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills". You should also be
advised that DAP has been discontinued with more recent versions of
Access (hint, hint).

There would be a _really good reason_ why it won't work in Access 2010,
because not even execution is supported any longer (development was not
supported in Access 2007, but execution was).

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP

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