Why did sp3 break my macro?



After installing SP3, my macro no longer works right. If I uninstall office
then reinstall office and update it to sp2 it works again. Any ideas? Just
for the record it has nothing to do with the machine. It is definately a SP3
issue along with the other issues that come with installing office SP3.

Shane Devenshire


"Breaks my macro"?

What line or lines of code are highlighted when you choose Debug from the
error dialog box?

Shane Devenshire


Ok, here is the deal. I have an excel file that I can run a macro on. When I
had office 2003 sp2 installed and I run the macro, the result is what I want.
Now after sp3 was installed, the macro runs however the output is not what it
was before. The data is not in the desired cells and a few other things are
out of place. What could be causing this? So the macro does run but the data
is not in the correct location afterwards. With sp2 it is just fine. Thanks
for any help you can provide.

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Jay,
Now after sp3 was installed, the macro runs however the output is not what it
was before. The data is not in the desired cells and a few other things are
out of place. What could be causing this? So the macro does run but the data
is not in the correct location afterwards. With sp2 it is just fine. Thanks
for any help you can provide.

Without seeing your code this is very hard to answer. Could you also try to find
out what lines behave differently?


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association

Shane Devenshire


Put your macro in Step mode, split the screen so you can see the code and
the spreadsheet. Step through the code one line at a time by press F8. Note
which lines are not doing what you want and post those lines.

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire

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