Why did you eliminate right-click for the Layer Properties dialog?

  • Thread starter Il Moro di Venezia
  • Start date

Il Moro di Venezia

In the new Office 2007 Beta version of Visio you've eliminated right-click
contextual menu for the Layer Properties dialog. I use this ALL THE TIME.
Also there is no shortcut key for this (your "macros" are next to worthless
for this since they only allow use of CTL + an alphabet character...thus
pre-empting any pre-exisiting shortcut keys that use that same keystroke —
learn a thing or two from the way Adobe does this in Photoshop), so I must
use my mouse to go over to the View dropdown menu and then move all the way
to the bottom for Layer Properties. As often as I do this, you're causing me
carpal tunnel syndrome. Please tell me that you're re-thinking this in the
final version of Visio 2007.

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