Why do attachments, PDFs and JPGs especially



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

increase in size after you send them?

That is, you have a 3 mg PDF and then you send it. When it leaves your Entourage email it increases in size to say a 4.5 mg file.


Clif Hirtle

Hello all -

We are upgrading our campus from Exchange 2003 to 2007 very soon. We have
run into some issues in the configuration of our Entourage clients...

Specifically, in the Exchange server field of our account settings it
appears necessary to add the full domain + email address of each user into
the configuration address.


From: exchange.server.edu (in 2003)
To: exchange.server.edu/domain/[email protected] (in 2008)

Entourage REQUIRES this or the client cannot connect to the new Exchange '07
server. Yet Apple Mail (which I understood to also be running over WebDAV,
does NOT REQUIRE this change.

Why the additional configuration needed for Entourage if Mail is operating
over the same protocols to the server?

Michel Bintener

Hi Eddy,

this is not specific to Entourage, but to any e-mail application or webmail
interface. When an e-mail is sent, it is encoded electronically for transfer
over the web. As a result, a sent e-mail is automatically larger than the
size of its attachments. This is perfectly normal, and you will find that
other e-mail applications, such as Apple Mail, behave in the same way.

That being said, you can always create a Zip archive of your attachments
first; depending on the file format, you can reduce the file size
drastically. To create Zip archives, just ctrl-/right-click the file in the
Finder and choose Compress from the contextual menu. Note that creating a
Zip archive of JPG files does not change the file size that much, since JPG
is already a compressed format. The results for PDF may vary; experiment and
see if the difference is worth it.

Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

increase in size after you send them?

That is, you have a 3 mg PDF and then you send it. When it leaves your
Entourage email it increases in size to say a 4.5 mg file.


Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:mac (Entourage & Word)

*** Please always reply to the newsgroup. ***

Diane Ross

We are upgrading our campus from Exchange 2003 to 2007 very soon.

You should get on the public beta as soon as you upgrade to 2007.


Some other links that should help:

Connecting Entourage to an Exchange Server at work

Connecting Entourage to an Exchange Server from Home

Optimize Entourage to better work with Exchange
Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://tinyurl.com/bzcrjy> <-- Entourage mailing list
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/entouragehelp>

Clif Hirtle

You should get on the public beta as soon as you upgrade to 2007.

I did. It does not work. Server side meets all requirements stated in the
beta notes, but the client never connects, stalls for 20 minutes then dies

I have created a basic Applescript to automatically edit the server address,
but obviously that still puts us in a bit of a reactive break-then-apply

Diane Ross

I did. It does not work. Server side meets all requirements stated in the
beta notes, but the client never connects, stalls for 20 minutes then dies

I have created a basic Applescript to automatically edit the server address,
but obviously that still puts us in a bit of a reactive break-then-apply

You should have a link to report problems for the beta. There's nothing we
can do here to help with that.

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