Why do I get 2 copies of a task in the task bar?



When I drag an email from the inbox to the task bar on the bottom left and
drop it into the task list and save it. I get 2 reminders in the task list on
the to do do bar on the right. I did only get 1 as you would expect and then
I must have changed something but I do not know what. Can anyone help please?

Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

When I drag an email from the inbox to the task bar on the bottom left and
drop it into the task list and save it. I get 2 reminders in the task list
the to do do bar on the right. I did only get 1 as you would expect and then
I must have changed something but I do not know what. Can anyone help

Try starting Outlook once with the /resettodobar command switch. Start>Run
(or Start Search)> outlook.exe /resettodobar . Be sure to include the space
after ".exe".

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