why do I get an SQL question opening a blank document



I am running Win 7 and ever since I had updates applied to my Office 2003 I
get a pop-up box when opening Word that says
"Opening this document will run the folowing SQL command" followed by a
blank line and "Data from this database will be placed in the document. Do
you want to continue" followed by a Yes and No button.
This happens as soon as Word opens and I get the standard BLANK document.
Which update is messing things up?

Jay Freedman

It sounds like your Normal.dot template has somehow been marked as a mail
merge document. This is an odd variant of the problem discussed in
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/AppErrors/BlankDocNotBlank.htm, and the solution
is the same: close Word, rename the Normal.dot template, and restart Word to
build a new template; then copy any customizations from the old template to
the new one.

Don't be tempted to use the solution given at
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/825765 to suppress the message, as that only
hides the problem rather than solving it.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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