Why do I loose color in cells with this string?


Dale Polichetti

The below formula is used to subtract inventory required from on hand
inventory to show an inventory balance...


When clicking on the formula bar, all associated cells are color coded.
However, when adding a cell to the formula, for example adding BO5 in between
BK5 and BS5, I loose the color in each cell. The formula still works, but
color in cells is lost. How can I get it back?

Thank you in advance

T. Valko

There is a limit to the number of ranges Excel will highlight. I don't know
off-hand just what that limit is but apparently you've exceeded that limit.

T. Valko

You *might* be able to use a more compact formula. I didn't look at every
cell you're referencing but the first several follow a pattern, every 5th

You might be able to use this:


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