Why do my dates change to american when I mailmerge?



I have an excel database that contains a formula which minuses seven days off
of a date to create a new date (ie a1-7). I then need to use this new date as
part of a letter in Word as a part of a mailmerge. All my computer settings
are in English United Kingdom etc. However, when this field merges it
automatically changes to the american format (ie 1/23/07 instead of 23/1/07).
In excel this date reads correctly and is formatted properly.


Hi 123Jump,

To correct this, you could change your mailmerge connection method to DDE, or you could modify the mailmerge field code. To do the
latter, select the mailmerge field and press Shift-F9. It should look something like:
Change it to any one of:
{MERGEFIELD ExcelDate \@ "d/M/yyyy"}
{MERGEFIELD ExcelDate \@ "dd/MM/yyyy"}
{MERGEFIELD ExcelDate \@ "d-MMM-yyyy"}
{MERGEFIELD ExcelDate \@ "ddd, d MMM yyyy"}
{MERGEFIELD ExcelDate \@ "d MMMM yyyy"}
{MERGEFIELD ExcelDate \@ "dddd, d MMMM yyyy"}
etc, to create the exact format you want, independently of whatever the format is in Excel.


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