Why do my jpg files change to gif on the web?



Hoping someone out there can help me. My pictures are saved as jpg but when
I do "web preview" or view my website the pictures are in gif. How can I fix
this? I use Publisher98.

Mary Sauer

Hey David, How is everything? Glad to know you haven't lost your edge. How's the
gold business?


Thank you Steve & Chuck for your suggestions. I have a fairly simple website
and Publisher98 pretty much serves my purposes.

Mary, thank you for the links.
I tried to do the Method 2: Modify the HTML Code Generated by Publisher.
When I go into the folder that contains my publications you can see all the
images, mostly in numerical order and then after the images are the numbered
pages (html). I went into the numbered page with the image I wanted to
change. Changed name to original image. I also saved the original image in
the Publisher folder. But nothing happened. Not sure what I am missing.
There is a note that mentions that the image file should be in the same
folder(which I did) and at the same level as the HTML file. I am not sure
what "same level" means. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Mary Sauer

Karin, It has been so long since I used 98, I'm not qualified to give you a good
answer. You might do better asking this in the Publisher web design newsgroup.

Sounds as though you should leave the image in the folder you have it already.


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