Why doe this match nor work?



Check out the attachment. Why does the match formula not work( fo
product 777)? The columns Exception and code are both formatted as tex
because of the zero. I need them to stay formatted as text.

Any ideas


|Filename: Sample.zip
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4541

Gary Brown

Because Excel thinks that the 777 in A9 is a number whereas the table
which has 777 in cell E5 thinks its text.

Excel is therfore getting confused, I would guess that you have copied
and pasted the 777 in cell A9 from somewhere else.

To prove the point if you edit the value in A9, by selecting the cell
and pressing F2, then enter, I think you will find that Excel
re-interprets the cell according to its format (text) and puts the
correct value in C9


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