Why does Convert to PDF increase a Word doc size by 5x into PDF?


David Faubion

The PDF that Word 2003 makes increases the file size of the doc. What
explains this odd about face? Has MS sabatoged the standard or have I yet to
see a setting in Word 2003 that will return PDF to its place of small virtue?

Graham Mayor

Word 2003 has no function for creating PDF files?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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David Faubion

Word 2003 of the Office: Student and Teacher Edition does have the Flash
Paper menu, which contains the Convert to PDF function. The PDF generated
from that conversion are 5x the size of the original Word doc file. Thus, the
PDF become a GDF: Giant Document File or a CDF: Cumbersome Doc File. Please
explain why MS would choose to allow that "turning PDF on its head."

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

FlashPaper is an Adobe product, not a Microsoft product. Please explain
why you think MS owes you an explanation for how an Adobe product works.

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