Why does Excel replace any digits beyond 15 with zeros?



We are using Excel to store a 16 digit code for tracking. Unfortunately when
we put in any number that is larger than 15 digits, the last digits are
changed to zero. So a number like 1234567891234567 would be changed to
1234567891234560. A number like 123456789123456789 would be changed to

Why would it do this and how do I stop it?


Ron Rosenfeld

We are using Excel to store a 16 digit code for tracking. Unfortunately when
we put in any number that is larger than 15 digits, the last digits are
changed to zero. So a number like 1234567891234567 would be changed to
1234567891234560. A number like 123456789123456789 would be changed to

Why would it do this and how do I stop it?


Because Excel, like most other spreadsheets, conforms to IEEE specifications
for 15 digit precision (see specifications in HELP).

In order to enter you 16 digit tracking number, you may enter it as TEXT. You
can do this either by formatting the cell as TEXT BEFORE entering the tracking
number; OR by preceding the tracking number with a single quote (i.e. enter it
as '1234567890123456789


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