Why does lLenLFileNam + 1 = 35, when lLenLFileNam = 8, one line higher?



Hi. When I tried to run the vba macro below on a Word
document, the long variable "lLenLFileNam" equalled 8, on
the line containing the following code:
lLenLFileNam = InStrRev(strFulNam, "\")
On the next line, I tried to add 1 to lLenLFileNam, as
lCounter1 = lLenLFileNam + 1
Usually 8+1=9, but on this line lCounter1 was equal to 35.
What did I do wrong?


Here's my macro:

Private Sub btnPath1LevlHigher_Click()
' Macro recorded 8/23/2004 by Marc B. Hankin
Dim strFulNam As String, strPathFul As String,
strDirNamLow As String
Dim lLenLFileNam As Long, lCounter1 As Long,
lCounter2 As Long, lStrFulNam As Long

Dim MyPath As DataObject
Set MyPath = New DataObject

strFulNam = ActiveDocument.FullName
MsgBox strFulNam

lLenLFileNam = InStrRev(strFulNam, "\")
lCounter1 = lLenLFileNam + 1

lStrFulNam = Len(strFulNam)
lStrFulNam = lStrFulNam - lCounter1
strPathFul = Left(strFulNam, lStrFulNam)

lLenLFileNam = InStrRev(strPathFul, "\")
strFulNam = Left(strPathFul, lLenLFileNam)

'Selection.Text = strFulNam
'Selection.Text = strPathFul

MyPath.SetText strPathFul
End Sub


Can't see where the problem is, but with those reverse string look-ups, the
code is kind of hard to follow. If all you're trying to do is get the
document's name and path, you can use:

With ActiveDocument
strFulNam = .Name
strPathFul = left(.FullName, len(.FullName)-Len(.Name))
End with

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