Herb Tyson [MVP]
Is it always the most recent document that gets opened? Or is it always the
SAME document? If it's always the same document, then someone has saved a
document over Normal.dot. The solution is to delete Normal.dot so Word can
create a new one.
If it's always the most recent document, then it sounds either like someone
has appended a macro to the shortcut that starts Word, or that an AutoExec
macro is automatically re-loading the last-opened document.
In the former case, the shortcut for Word would probably look something like
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\WINWORD.EXE" /mfile1
Here, /m tells Word to run a macro, and "file1" is a built-in macro that
opens the first file listed in the recent files list. Hence /mfile1 causes
Word to automatically re-open the last-opened file.
In the latter case, if you look at the macros available in Word, there would
be one named AutoExec, and it would contain a command similar to "file1", or
which, if different, accomplishes the same purpose.
SAME document? If it's always the same document, then someone has saved a
document over Normal.dot. The solution is to delete Normal.dot so Word can
create a new one.
If it's always the most recent document, then it sounds either like someone
has appended a macro to the shortcut that starts Word, or that an AutoExec
macro is automatically re-loading the last-opened document.
In the former case, the shortcut for Word would probably look something like
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\WINWORD.EXE" /mfile1
Here, /m tells Word to run a macro, and "file1" is a built-in macro that
opens the first file listed in the recent files list. Hence /mfile1 causes
Word to automatically re-open the last-opened file.
In the latter case, if you look at the macros available in Word, there would
be one named AutoExec, and it would contain a command similar to "file1", or
which, if different, accomplishes the same purpose.