I have a six-line signature that appears automatically every time I begin an
Name/Title/Street AddressCity and StatePhone Number/E-dress. The typeface is
Palatino Linotype and always has been. The signature is at extreme left
margin. I often need to change the title--from Wine Writer, say, to Travel
Correspondent--depending on my addressee, so then I go to my title and either
highlight+DEL or just hold down DEL. Now the weirdness begins: my replacement
title appears in Times New Roman! In fact, all other lines below my title
behave the same way. The top line is different, however. I'll sign a formal
business letter formally, changing my first name from Johnny, say, to John.
No problem there; I get Palatino. But if I want to add another name on the
same line--as in "John Doe and Jane Roe"--that part will come out in Times
New Roman. Same goes for the other lines in my sig. Anyone know what's going
Name/Title/Street AddressCity and StatePhone Number/E-dress. The typeface is
Palatino Linotype and always has been. The signature is at extreme left
margin. I often need to change the title--from Wine Writer, say, to Travel
Correspondent--depending on my addressee, so then I go to my title and either
highlight+DEL or just hold down DEL. Now the weirdness begins: my replacement
title appears in Times New Roman! In fact, all other lines below my title
behave the same way. The top line is different, however. I'll sign a formal
business letter formally, changing my first name from Johnny, say, to John.
No problem there; I get Palatino. But if I want to add another name on the
same line--as in "John Doe and Jane Roe"--that part will come out in Times
New Roman. Same goes for the other lines in my sig. Anyone know what's going