Why does Outlook keep connecting to my archive PST file?



I'm trying to offload some messages in my Outlook Personal Folder.

I exported a folder as an ARCHIVE .pst file.

In outlook, it said the folder was 300mb. It seemed to run quite a while but
finally the PST file stopped incremeting in size at around 700mb. I let it
sit for a while and after it didn't increment anymore, I quite Outlook and
the archive.pst.tmp file dissappeared.

Now every time I launch Outlook, it creates a new '~archive.pst.tmp' file in
the same directory as my archive.pst file.

Why does it do that? Should I be concerned? Can I now move this archive.pst


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

all pst files have a temp folder associated with them. It's nothing to be
concerned about. You can disconnect the archive pst if desired - make sure
autoarchiving it disabled or it will keep reconnecting.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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all pst files have a temp folder associated with them. It's nothing to be
concerned about. You can disconnect the archive pst if desired - make sure
autoarchiving it disabled or it will keep reconnecting.

ah...that's the key, I think. How do I 'disconnect' it? I assumed 'export'
would create a stand-alone exported file that Outlook had no need for



darrel said:
ah...that's the key, I think. How do I 'disconnect' it? I assumed 'export'
would create a stand-alone exported file that Outlook had no need for


Right-Click on Personal Folders and choose "Close".
BTW there's no need to "export" and you shouldn't do that anyway as it's
likely to create a corrupted file. Just use the Archiving function and it
will create a pst file for you.

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