Why does Outlook lose line 2 of its signature ?



Outlook 2000 - SR-1 - Between Dec 2004 and 01 Feb 2005 each time I looked I
kept losing the 2nd line of my signature in Outlook.
I would fix it and each time I came back the second line had dissappeared.
The first line contained my name. The 2nd line contained my qualifications.
This was a mystery as I was a user in a UK Health Board environment. I do
not know any back end details.
I have confidence in Outlook to a properly managed server back end. I used
it since 1995 and my signature had my Name, Job Title, Business Address,
Telephone numbers, Fax number and a complete disclaimer.
Nothing got lost.
I even had a didfferent signature which just had my first name for internal
mfail which I switched to.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook] has yesterday confirmed that Outlook support
smore thanm one line in its signature.
Can anyone give an explanation for the nonsense that ccured to me between
Dec 2004 and 01 Feb 2005.
I already posted on the Outlook board that h;as now diss1apperaed from the
communities and an MVP Ben Shorr got to the point where Milly Staples has got
I need to take it further. I have agreed that I write the technical result
to MS HQ in UK.

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