why does outlook manual archive not work?



when one of our users tries to archive a specific inbox folder, outlook says
it is archiving but all of the original emails are still in the inbox folder.
she already had an archive folder of the same name, so i had her change the
name of the archive folder and try again and it went through the same steps
but left an empty folder in the archive. this worked the first time she did
it, and this would be the second time she's attempted it. there is nothing
in the KB articles about this that i can find that pertains to the situation
at hand. we are using OL2k3 with exchange in cached mode.


jim said:
when one of our users tries to archive a specific inbox folder,
outlook says
it is archiving but all of the original emails are still in the inbox
she already had an archive folder of the same name, so i had her
change the
name of the archive folder and try again and it went through the same
but left an empty folder in the archive. this worked the first time
she did
it, and this would be the second time she's attempted it. there is
in the KB articles about this that i can find that pertains to the
at hand. we are using OL2k3 with exchange in cached mode.

Archiving is based on the Modified datestamp, not on the Received or
Sent datestamps. Did you add the Modified column so the user could see
that particular datestamp?


Vanguard said:
Archiving is based on the Modified datestamp, not on the Received or
Sent datestamps. Did you add the Modified column so the user could see
that particular datestamp?

the modified date *was* after the date for archive. thanks for the help!


jim said:
the modified date *was* after the date for archive. thanks for the

You mentioned creating an archive "folder". You can't archive items
within a message store back into the same message store. You have to
archive them to a different PST *file*. The AutoArchive options (either
the global default or the folder-specific parameters for auto-archive)
should specify a different file, and that file should NOT be on a
networked drive (i.e., all .pst files should be local on the host where
Outlook runs).

Could be the user is archiving but using the global setup (which is the
default). They will have to change the option to use the
folder-specific settings if they are at shorter intervals than specified
by the global options.


the user in question has an archive pst that she has been archiving to.
within that pst she has the previous archive of the same inbox folder that
she did last month. she forced the issue by choosing file->archive, then the
correct folder. i had her rename the folder in the archive pst then try the
same process on the current group of emails she wanted to archive. outlook
created the same folder name in the archive pst but did not copy anything
over because the modify date was *after* the archive date, in this case
6/1/06. is that clearer?


jim said:
the user in question has an archive pst that she has been archiving
within that pst she has the previous archive of the same inbox folder
she did last month. she forced the issue by choosing file->archive,
then the
correct folder. i had her rename the folder in the archive pst then
try the
same process on the current group of emails she wanted to archive.
created the same folder name in the archive pst but did not copy
over because the modify date was *after* the archive date, in this
6/1/06. is that clearer?

After selecting File -> Archive, and after or before picking a folder,
did the user use the first option "Archive all folders according to
their AutoArchvie settings" or the second option "Archive this folder
and all subfolders"? The first option uses the auto-archive settings
that are local to a particular folder (i.e., defined in the properties
of the folder). The second option uses the global settings configured
under Tools -> Options -> Other -> AutoArchive.

If the Modified date was *after* the archive date, the items are not yet
mature enough to be eligible for archiving. Archiving works on items
that are *older* than the number of days specified in the auto-archive
settings (local or global). For an item to be eligible for archiving,
the Modified date must be *before* the archive date (as computed by
subtracting the number of days for expiration from the current date).
If the user is selecting the first option, have they actually checked
the local archive settings for that folder? I don't ever recall running
archive on the Inbox folder. That is NOT to be used as a long-term
storage location. E-mails that you want to keep around for awhile
should get moved out of the Inbox folder and into some other holding
folder, like creating a "Hold" folder as a subfolder under the Inbox

How many days is the expiration interval set in the folder's properties
for archiving (i.e., the local auto-archive setting)? How many days is
the expiration interval set in the global auto-archive settings
(Tools -> Options -> Other -> AutoArchive)? Which mode is the user
selecting under the File -> Archive menu (local or global autoarchive
settings)? Have you tried using a different .pst *file* as the
"archive" message store file?

I use OL2002 so I am familiar with AutoArchiving in that and earlier
products. It is possible that OL2003 added more options that are needed
to get archiving to function as expected.


i had her set the autoarchive for the individual folder. thanks for all the
help! i now know way more about outlook than i ever thought i would

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