Why does picture in word document print compressed and repeated 4.



My inserted picture prints out 4 times all compressed - rather than a single
time and of the correct shape as it is viewed on the screen and the print
preview screen in word and publisher.
I'm running office 2003. Other pictures print correctly. I've tried
changing the format of the picture from .jpg to .bmp.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This seems to be a printer driver problem, and it's driving a lot of us
crazy. What does work (though it's really annoying) is to disable spooling
and print direct to the printer. It seems to affect only certain JPEGs (in
my case, ones created by Corel PhotoPaint 6).


Word 2007
Picture Styles group doesn't show up when I click the image and "picture
tools". Various groups are there but not "picture styles" where I want to
change the shape of the picture. Help.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)


Is the file saved in .doc format or in compatibility mode? (i.e. is there a 'convert' choice listed under the Office button with
that file open?)

The Picture Styles are not avaiable for legacy (.doc) documents. If there is a 'convert' choice, the Picture Styles should be
available once up up-convert the document.

Word 2007
Picture Styles group doesn't show up when I click the image and "picture
tools". Various groups are there but not "picture styles" where I want to
change the shape of the picture. Help.
SLB >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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