hammerhead13 said:
These are plain txt emails for the most part and Calender items.
Access to records in the database are tracked by the Modified timestamp
field in that record. I don't know if the old record is kept and simply
marked with status Deleted (to hide it) or if the Modified field in the
record gets updated. Typically accesses to databases, even when not
updates (writes), can cause record enlargement or increased number of
records which are only removed when a Purge operation (compaction) is
performed. Have you ran a manually compact yet to see if the .pst file
goes back to its original size? Were no other items (e-mails, meeting
requests, appointments, etc.) received or triggered while Outlook was
open when you selected the plain-text e-mail during your test?
Note that Outlook never just "accesses" (reads) the .pst file. Outlook
demands write access to the .pst file. Every time you load Outlook, the
..pst file will be opened in write mode. This is why, for example, you
must remove the read-only attribute from the .pst file if you copy a
backup copy of it from a CD (which is read-only media and results in the
read-only attribute getting set on the file when you copy it from the CD
to the hard drive). When you preview the item, Outlook is writing to
the .pst file, not just reading from it. Outlook always need write
access to the .pst file.