Why does query execute before OnLoad event of Form



I am trying to use a dialog box to capture parameter input for a form.

The form is based upon a query that takes the input from the dialog box and
uses it in the query.

However before I even get the OnLoad event for the form (where I open the
dialog box), the query is asking for my parameter input.

Does anybody out there know what the event order is when using queries in


Douglas J. Steele

From the Help file:

"When you open a form based on an underlying query, Microsoft Access runs
the underlying query for the form before it runs the Open macro or event


"When you first open a form, the following events occur in this order:
Open => Load => Resize => Activate =>Current"


Thanks Doug - I'm still finding my way around the documentation. I'm old
enough to remember the days I could leaf through a book for hours....

Anyway, is there a way I can stop the query from executing until I have
entered the parameters in th OnLoad event?

Thanks again for your help.....

Douglas J. Steele

No, there isn't.

Can you open the dialog form first, fill in the fields and then have it open
the second form?


Thanks Doug,

I can do all that - I'm just frustrated that something that I got
documentation for 15 months ago isn't working now! And I'm positive it was
but maybe I wasn't using queries. Hey Ho

Thanks again for your help.....


Dirk Goldgar

nigelf said:
Thanks Doug - I'm still finding my way around the documentation. I'm old
enough to remember the days I could leaf through a book for hours....

Anyway, is there a way I can stop the query from executing until I have
entered the parameters in th OnLoad event?

Why not leave the form's recordsource blank in design view, but assign it in
the form's Open event after displaying your dialog?

Douglas J. Steele

Dirk Goldgar said:
Why not leave the form's recordsource blank in design view, but assign it
in the form's Open event after displaying your dialog?

D'oh! I do that all the time. Why didn't I think to mention it?

Thanks, Dirk.

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