Jerry said:
I have an aol email address. All my sent mail is being returned to me with a
554 error message.
Can anyone shed any light on this please?
Don't describe an error message.
Don't summarize an error message.
Don't paraphrase an error message.
Don't truncate an error message.
SHOW the entire message.
554 is a generic error code. The comment included with it should
provide additional information on WHY the error occurred but you decided
to leave out that part, along with leaving out WHICH version of Outlook
that you use.
That you "have an aol email address" saying nothing about WHICH e-mail
server you are trying to use to *send* your e-mails.
Have you yet tried configuring the e-mail account defined within Outlook
to authenticate to the outbound (SMTP) mail host?
Are you using any anti-spam software?
Did you configure your anti-virus software to scan your e-mails?