Tomcat said:
In the nature of my business, I often need to plan my route to
addresses that I create in Word correspondence; Smart Tags enable me
to link directly with a map webpage. However the tag doesn't always
appear, why should this be?
Smart Tags are really external programs that scan your text looking for
items that "look like" their subjects (this part of the Smart Tag program is
called a "recognizer"). This is a form of artificial intelligence, which
isn't a fully developed discipline. For some reason, some of the things you
type don't "look like" addresses according to the recognizer's rules. It may
be that the rules are imperfect, or there may be something different about
the way you're typing those addresses.
If route mapping is that important to you, look into a dedicated program
such as Streets & Trips or its big brother, MapPoint. Either of these can
put a toolbar button in Word for easy access.