Why does the filepath not update in document in Word 2007



We have recently moved to Word 2007 and where our filepath would update on
the old version of Word it now does not work. Has anybody else had this
problem and have they managed to solve it.

Graham Mayor

Do you mean in a filename field? Most fields do not update automatically.
You can force an update using a macro or by switching to print preview and
back again, or by selecting the field and pressing F9.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Yes I did mean the filename field. We have just converted from Word 2003
and the filepath used to update on printing. We are using the same
templates and it no longer works. It does however work for 1 user but not
the rest of us. I know you can update fields using F9 but the filename is
in a footer & I've tried to update field during writing a print macro but
unfortuantely it will not let you into the footer.

Graham Mayor

The macro I use to update fields is the example macro at
http://www.gmayor.com/installing_macro.htm which also instructs how to
install and apply it.
However to update fields on printing/print preview you will need to set the
option in Word Options > Display - Update fields before printing.
Word options - if you have not yet found them - are behind the 'pizza'
button top left of the Word screen.
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Thanks for your help I will try that.

Graham Mayor said:
The macro I use to update fields is the example macro at
http://www.gmayor.com/installing_macro.htm which also instructs how to
install and apply it.
However to update fields on printing/print preview you will need to set the
option in Word Options > Display - Update fields before printing.
Word options - if you have not yet found them - are behind the 'pizza'
button top left of the Word screen.
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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