Why does the safe senders/safe recipients security setting not wor



Due to the unacceptable amound of spam we receive, and the total lack of
customer support via Mircrosoft in NZ/Australia (I have found them rude and
unhelpful and don't bother getting back to you), we have finally resorted the
highest security setting under "Tools", "Options" "Junk Email" and chosen
"Safe Lists Only" which states: "Only people or domains on your Safe Senders
List or Safe Recipients List will be delivered into your inbox. Sounds
wonderful doesn't it. I've set it up and it doesn't work. Clearly Microsoft
don't know why it's not working either - or don't want to know. One
representative told me to upgrade next year (yeah, pay more money!) and it
"might" work. Has anyone got this very simple piece of the program to work?
It would completely stop spam. Makes you wonder if Microsoft benefits from
spam somehow.


I rang Microsoft again, waited for ages but eventually got put through to a
very nice and helpful technician. He resolved the problem within 15 minutes.
I wish they had more people like him!

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Maybe you should share the resolution so other people reading your post can benefit?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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