Why does video forget full screen setting?


Dan Monte


I'm running PowerPoint 2003 and inserting a video by selecting the Windows
Media Player plugin from the control toolbox. I change the settings to
display the video full screen (the video was encoded at 640 x 480). It plays
fine the first time I run it but when it's run a second time it's displayed
at its normal size. Checking the properties after right clicking, shows that
the settings have reverted back to "false" for full screen display. What is
going on?

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Austin Myers

First, why use the Windows Media Player? You are correct about the other
part of your post, when you use an activeX control it reverts back to it's
default settings (some of them) when the presentation is done.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions www.pfcmedia.com

Dan Monte

I'm running a presentation off the network that will be used in a couple
locations. Because the path name is long Insert/Movies and Sounds just
doesn't work well. I used the activeX controls for Windows Media because they
always seem to work. I've never actually run them at full screen because I
usually show the video in a window so I never knew about that issue with
active x.

From the looks of it I will have to place a "video" folder on the C drive of
each of the computers involved in this training.

Why does Active X do this when it keeps all of my other settings?

Thanks for your input.


Austin Myers

Dan I have another option you might consider. Our add in (PFCMedia) has a
feature called "Media From URL". As the name suggests you can play a media
file from just about any URL. (Intranet or Internet)

One big advantage is that as long as you keep the URL the same you can
switch the video files as needed. (Just use the same name.)

We have a 14 free (fully functioning) trial version that you may download
from http://www.pfcmedia.com

Drop me an email once you have it installed and I'll walk you though all the
possible settings for playback. (size, etc.)

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions www.pfcmedia.com

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