Why does Visio 2003 stop recognizing my org chart shapes?

  • Thread starter Mike at Phillips
  • Start date

Mike at Phillips

I translated an older version org chart into 2003 and it worked fine
initially. After making some edits, printing and saving, I re-opened the
drawing again in Visio 2003 and it no longer seems to be able to tell that my
shapes are org shapes. When I try to use any org functions like re-layout,
it tells me to select an org chart shape first. The entire document is
nothing except for org shapes. Is this a translation problem?

Mike Mueller [MSFT]

Do you have Service Pack 1 installed? There were several fixes to the
conversion code included in SP-1.

Mike at Phillips

Yes. I did install the SP.

Mike Mueller said:
Do you have Service Pack 1 installed? There were several fixes to the
conversion code included in SP-1.

Mike Mueller
WinFX SDK Team

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Mike Mueller [MSFT]

This definitely sounds like something went wrong in saving the converted org

There are a couple of things that could be wrong:

1. The shapes did not get properly converted. You can confirm this by
opening the shapesheet and examining the User.Solsh cell. it should contain
the value "{0BF98B35-200C-41D5-8A23-20EF77CBC94A}". If the value is
different or not there, then the shapes were not converted. If this is the
case there is nothing you can do other than re-try the conversion (You *did*
keep the original, didn't you?)

2. The model behing the diagram did not get saved or is invalid. to
determine if this is the case, close Visio, run Regedit, and add a
"TreeView" key to
Chart\". When you restart Visio and open your Org Chart, a treeview window
will appear that displays the model backing the diagram. If this window is
empty, then the model is missing. You sohuld be able to recreate your
drawing by opening a new Org Chart, Copying all the shapes and connectors
from the old drawing and pasting them into the new one.

Hope this helps, good luck.

Mike Mueller
WinFX SDK Team

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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