I've noticed that every so often, a random word document appears on my
Mac desktop. They are always named something crazy like "zc6t0jtb.doc"
or "1vtuba33.doc". I can't seem to figure out why this happens or how
to make it stop happening. I never open these files - I just dump them
into my trash. This has been happening on my work computer and my
personal home computer, which are both Macs, and I can't seem to find
any documentation online about this issue. Can anyone help?
Mac desktop. They are always named something crazy like "zc6t0jtb.doc"
or "1vtuba33.doc". I can't seem to figure out why this happens or how
to make it stop happening. I never open these files - I just dump them
into my trash. This has been happening on my work computer and my
personal home computer, which are both Macs, and I can't seem to find
any documentation online about this issue. Can anyone help?